Cat#: CFGP-038
Molecular Formula:C49H62N10O16S3
Relative Molecular Mass:1143.29 g/mol
CAS No:25126-32-3 (net)
Long-term Storage:-20 ± 5°C
Synonyms:CCK-8; Cholecystokinin Octapeptide; (Des-Pyr1,Des-Gln2,Met5)-Caerulein
Sequence:H-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 ammonium salt
Fields of Application:Cholecystography
Active Substance:Sincalide (CCK-8) corresponds to the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK). Sincalide acts on receptors within the gallbladder wall causing it to contract. Additionally, sincalide stimulates pancreatic secretion and gastrointestinal transit.
Besides its gastrointestinal involvement, sincalide shows anti-analgesic, anorexigenic, and anxiogenic activity.
For research and production purposes, Not for human use!